
Diesel Gensets & Fuel Maintenance: What You Need to Know

Diesel fuel is known to have higher energy density than gasoline and natural gas. It makes for more efficient energy that can be extracted over different sources.

Diesel engines are a feature of many generator systems, and while these are important tools for both homes and businesses there are some issues. The biggest problem is the fact that stored diesel can become contaminated over time which is not ideal.

Contaminated diesel fuel should not be used because it can damage your equipment over time. What does this mean? You could find that your backup diesel generator will not function in the right way and this is something you can avoid.

Diesel is a flammable substance, thus proper storage and maintenance are essential. Treating diesel fuel will result in the correct support of the tanks where you store it.

The best way to avoid a utility outage and contaminated fuel is in the maintenance. So, why does diesel fuel degrade?

  • Microbes. Water harbors bacteria which can pose a threat to filtration systems due to the sediment that it creates. These exist in fuel tank water bottoms.

  • Out Of Date. Diesel fuel is a product that, like so many others, has a shelf life.

Diesel fuel isn’t something that can stay fresh eternally; it’s not unlimited, and after six months, degradation begins to happen.

If it’s left for two years, the diesel fuel becomes useless because of the deterioration.

How You Can Reduce Diesel Fuel Degradation

Fuel maintenance is so essential if you want your diesel generators to last. If you are not maintaining the fuel, you’re risking wasting your own time, money, and equipment. Five fuel services are available that can help you to manage your diesel generator fuel for as long as possible.

Follow these five basic services for the engines to run as necessary.

Fuel Filtering. It is the method of removing water and contaminants from the fuel.

  • Filtering systems used in the generator can filter the contaminants from the bottom of the fuel tank while also removing water.

  • Fuel is separated before being filtered and returned into the tank.

  • It stops you from wasting any fuel at all!

Fuel Sampling: By sampling the fuel regularly you can decide whether it would be stable enough to manage a full load. Once you know the results of this sample, you can smooth out any issues that you come across and ensure that you are keeping abreast of whether your fuel is degrading.

Fuel Treatment: Introducing additives to fuel is essential and without it  the fuel will degrade quicker.

  • Additives can help to prevent a build up of contaminants in the fuel, which can lead to sludgy material left in the inside of the tank.

  • It then requires professional maintenance to clear out which may not be in your budget.

  • Always treat new fuel as you get it. It helps you to keep on top of your fuel to know that it’s safe to use.

Fuel Top Off: Preventing condensation in the fuel system is essential. Water grows microbes, microbes contaminate the fuel, and the cycle continues.

  • By topping off the fuel, there is a reduction in sidewall services where the condensation forms.

  • It is a step that should always be added to your fuel maintenance program if you want to keep on top of it.

Fuel Polishing: Fuel polishing has three steps involved. These are designed to ensure fresh fuel that is not degrading or contaminated.

  • Fuel polishing will prevent failure of the diesel generator and back up generator because of the removal of microbes.

  •  Include fuel polishing into the annual planned maintenance schedule.

Fuel storage is essential also. You should always store it in an isolated location. It is vital to prevent water coming into the tank and to prevent heat from escaping.

Diesel fuel has a higher ignition point than gasoline, but let’s not test that by leaving it stored near heat sources and electrical outlets.

With EmPower Generators, you can rest assured that our diesel generator maintenance service is impeccable, regular, and efficient. Give us a call today at 954-922-3800 and our friendly team can help you book your maintenance service.